Monday, March 23, 2009

Why Do Women Write?

Ever since I can remember I have written. Even before I did, I had a precious teacher named Mrs. Smith in Kindergarten who would transcribe my stories onto big sheets of paper that I would illustrate. The written word has fascinated me and as I grow older I realize how vital it is to my well-being. I think of women writers who had to fight to be able to educate themselves to read and write. Many times, an education was considered a decoration instead of a useful tool to promote real change in the lives of women. Over my years in college, most of my research papers have dealt with the topic of women writers. From Laura Certa, an Italian Renaissance writer from the 15th century, to Sor Juana a 17th century Nun, to Virginia Woolfe, Elizabeth Barrett Browning to poet Emily Dickinson to Maya Angelou to Helen Cixous, French feminist. Why did these women write as if their lifeblood flowed from the pen? What is it that women seek in writing that fulfills them like no other?

I have my ideas, but I want to hear yours. If you are a woman, why do you write? All women write--be it grocery lists, to do lists, birthday cards, poetry, essays, journals or novels. Why do you write?

Please comment with your answer. Thank you so much for participating! I am excited to see what you have to say.


  1. I love all your blogs! Keep it up! I write because it helps me get out what I feel inside. It seems to come out better in a blog rather then when I say it. Have a great week!

  2. Brittany,

    I love your writing! I started writing as a young was just a way to deal with all the ideas, feelings and emotions that I went through...and still do!

    I find now that I write because it is better (and cheaper) than therapy!! LOL!

    It also serves as a written record of remembrances of what God has done and brought me through. When I get to a place of defeat, I can read through some of my older writings and be encouraged that GOD CAN DO IT AGAIN!

    You can see some of my writings at my blog at:
    Downloads From Heaven

  3. I began writing as a way to challenge myself creatively. I found that I really enjoyed writing and the challenge that it presented me. I have unfortunatley let it fall by the wayside as other things have crowded in. I have, just in the past few weeks, thought about how much I missed writing and how I really want to get back to it. My goal is to start writing again real soon.

  4. I write because it helps me like who God created me to be.
