Monday, March 9, 2009

A Quick Morning Poem

As I sit on my deck in the morning,

Purple buds against a cool blue-grey sky,

The promise of a fresh start begins.

Hair tickles my face and I close my eyes.

I’ve got a lot on my plate, God--

People to please and things to get done.

Your embrace tells me to relax

And breathe in my Eden.

I was made to live

I was made for joy

I was made to love

I was made for more

Help me as I go

and sing my own song

That I would stop and listen

To that Spirit of love and God

1 comment:

  1. It's about time! I am so excited to keep up with your writing. It is so beautiful and you really have been blessed with this talent, so I'm glad you're using it! xoxoxoxoxo
